Cinebanter Special Edition - BEST FILMS OF THE DECADE

The mp3 of this show can be found here. In this episode, Michael and Tassoula can't believe how different their lists are when they announce their BEST FILMS OF THE DECADE. They also announce their next show topic. The breakdown is as follows:
• 00:00 Intro
• Break
• Break
• 1:14:32 Credits & Outtake
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Special thanks to Brad Daane and Mark Cummins for providing the original music in this episode.
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Reviews and/or notes of every movie Michael sees can be found at his MichaelVox website.
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Labels: 2000, Brokeback Mountain, Cinebanter, decade, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, film, In the Mood for Love, Little Children, MichaelVox Tassoula, review
Here’s my list:
1. Brokeback Mountain (2005) – The only movie I have ever seen in my life back-to-back. I literally watched it again after finishing the movie.
2. Junebug (2005) – The movie that people will go back to 20 years from now to trace how Amy Adams became a bone fide star. She stole every scene she was in, as in ALL SCENES. The masturbation scene is one of the saddest and most poignant scenes I have ever seen.
3. Requiem for a Dream (2000) – An all-out depressing movie. Julia Roberts stole Ellen Burstyn’s Oscar
4. In the Bedroom (2001) – Sissy Spacek (three way tie with Heath Ledger and Amy Adams) gave the performance of the decade in my opinion. As much as I love Meryl Streep, I don’t think she has reached the depth and natural acting that Spacek has shown in this movie.
5. Gosford Park (2001) – Unexpectedly engaging and compelling. Helen Mirren’s “I am the perfect servant…” monologue is unforgettable. Brilliant dialogue!
6. Atonement (2007) – The editing and screenplay was brilliant. I don’t remember being technically impressed and emotionally compelled at the same time.
7. In Search of a Midnight Kiss (2008) – Crass and romantic at the same time.
8. United 93 (2006) – The most haunting ending I have ever seen, made me cry. Brilliant!!!!
9. The Departed (2006) – I don’t remember seeing a movie recently where the entire audience gave a collective grasp.
10. Lars and the Real Girl (2007) – What a brilliant screenplay. The scene with the doll will remain as one of the most adorable and romantic scenes ever. Ryan Gosling was phenomenal
Honorable Mention:
Traffic (2000)
Stardust (2007) – I just love Michelle Pfeiffer!
Before Sunset (2004)
Mystic River (2003)
Memento (2000)
Overall, I think I slightly prefer Tasoulla’s list (mainly because of the Junebug and Before Sunset love). Even though I would not put Love Actually in my top 100, I like the movie as well. The only one that I absolutely did not like was My Big Fat Greek Wedding, I did not get that film! Even for its genre, the movie is not good! But I agree with her comments on Eternal Sunshine, as much as I love that movie, there were some scenes that I did not like. It’s a weird movie, I love it, but I wouldn’t put it in my top 50.
Mister Roberts
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