Never Say Die: Final Thoughts on a Weekend of Goonies

Coming together with fellow fans to celebrate a film anniversary is a unique experience.
Sure, it's fun to see folks get dressed up like their favorite characters, and of course it's cool to speak with celebrities (especially nice ones, like these), but what's more meaningful is the sense of community—no matter how silly it is—that one feels in the presence of those who share a love for a common piece of pop culture. In this case, often what made braving those long event lines bearable was trading GOONIES stories with strangers.
As an Oregon native who was the perfect age (9) when this film came out, I realize my sentimental attachment to it probably makes it greater for me than some, but to have hundreds of people converge on the same beachfront location 25 years later to celebrate it confirms that there is definitely something special about it.
On my final night in Astoria, I attended a late screening of the film and was delighted to see fans of all ages filling up the theater. There were folks my age, couples my parents' age and children who may have been seeing it for the first time (or at least seeing it on the big screen for the first time). When the lights went down after the pre-show, which was devoid of any trailers or commercials, a child shouted out "Never say die!" and the crowd cheered at the appearance of the pirate skeleton that starts the film.
It's so comforting to know that The Goonies live on in our hearts.
Labels: 2010, 25th Anniversary, Astoria, film, Tassoula, The Goonies
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