Cinebanter - 6th ANNUAL TELEBANTER

• 00:00 Intro
• 00:32 TOP 10 TV SHOWS of 2011
• Break
• 59:21 PARADISE LOST Discussion
• 1:22:42 Credits
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Special thanks to Brad Daane and Mark Cummins for providing the original music in this episode.
Tassoula has reviews, musings and movie-related product links at Tassoula's Movie Review Blog.
Reviews and/or notes of movies Michael sees can be found at his MichaelVox website.
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We hope you enjoy the show!
Labels: 2011, 2012, Breaking Bad, Curb Your Enthusiasm, Dexter, Homeland, Louie, MichaelVox Tassoula, Paradise Lost, Telebanter, TV
Ah banterers, many of the finest tv shows indeed, HBO and Showtime leading the way. Other fine tv shows of 2011 included Downton Abbey - series 2 plus christmas Special, the epic sprawling Game of Thrones which was pretty dazzling. Series 1 and 2 of the original Danish version of The Killing (Forbrydelsen) were very good as was the Deadwood-like gritty and dirty Hell On Wheels. The BBC natural history series Frozen Planet was pretty marvellous too and procedural favourites like justified and house rolled faithfully on. I think Dexter jumped the shark, like Lost did as michael said leaving only die-hard fans holding on to the bitter end but I must agree re Homeland, british actor Damien Lewis, of band of brothers fame and ms baccarin fron firefly/serenity supporting stunning lead performances. Also the Good Wife and Breaking Bad; hard to see anything better. 2011 was a great year for tv, great to be reminded of it. cheers
I really love your blog. I just bumped into it by accident and fell in love with your guys work. thank you.
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